Veneer Selection
All of our veneer layons are handcrafted in our factory by our veneer craftsmen and can be stitched together to virtually any bespoke design in any species available on the market.
We take the greatest pride in our ability to create beautiful artwork from natural timber,
Speak with our in house veneer experts for more information and the opportunity to hand select your very own personal veneer bundle for your project in our factory veneer stores.

Laminates & On-Lam
We provide laminates from top brands such as Formica, Egger, Polyrey and many more.
We also provide our own range of laminates known as On-Lam. complete with wide range of solid colours, textures and woodgrain laminates.
On-Lam is anti bacterial, hygienic, environmentally friendly and Scuff/ Scratch resistant.
**Specification Sheets are available on request**
Specialist Finishes
​With an in house spray booth and a dedicated team of expert french polishers we also offer a myriad of final finishes such as:
Polished/ Lacquered
Stained / Tinted
Limed / Grain filled
Wire brushed / Aged
High Gloss/ Hand Burnishing